How do I check to see if a student has completed, but not submitted a quiz?

To check if a user has an attempt in progress for a quiz in the course, take these steps:

1. select the “Quizzes” link located on the course nav bar

2. select the “Manage Quizzes” area tab

3. select the menu at the end of the individual quiz title to get to the contextual menu

4. select the “Grade” option

5. When in the “Grade Quiz” area, search for users with attempts in progress by using the “Restrict to” search mechanism – select the downward arrow associated with the menu and select “Users with attempts in progress” from the drop list (you can also select ‘all users’ if you want).

6. Select the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search. The search will return all users with attempts that are still in progress.

7. If there are no learners with attempts in progress the search will return ‘0’ results. If there are attempts in progress, it will show the user’s attempt with ‘in progress’. You can click on the attempt, to view the quiz activity for that particular user.

To submit a quiz on a student’s behalf please refer to our documentation on How do I submit a quiz for a student who didn’t submit?


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