
Classlist Overview

Classlist is where you can see an overview of all the participants enrolled in your course and their respective roles, add/remove those participates or change their roles, communicate with participants, and view blogs/group enrolments for those participants (if applicable).

The following vendor documentation provides additional information about Classlist and some of its associated functions:

Below are more detailed instructions for some common activities you may need to undertake in the Avenue Classlist.

Adding Students Individually

To add students individually, please refer to our ‘ How do I add a student/instructor/TA to the Classlist?‘ guide.

Adding Students Using a Spreadsheet

To add users using a spreadsheet, please refer to our ‘ How can I manually enrol multiple students into my course?’ guide.

Changing a Role in a Course

To change a role in a course, please refer to our ‘How do I change a role in a course?’ FAQ.


Avenue to Learn Role List

For a comprehensive breakdown of the different roles within Avenue to Learn please visit the FAQ “What do the roles in Avenue do?


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