When you are deleting objects from the LOR, it’s easiest to access it from the same course as you originally uploaded the object to, that way you have the same permissions as when you uploaded the object. However, these instructions should work everywhere. 1. Choose Resources > LOR which will […]
How do I check to see if a student has completed, but not submitted a quiz?
To check if a user has an attempt in progress for a quiz in the course, take these steps: 1. select the “Quizzes” link located on the course nav bar 2. select the “Manage Quizzes” area tab 3. select the menu at the end of the individual quiz title to get […]
How do I add a Microsoft Booking widget to my course on Avenue to Learn?
Katie Moisse (Life Sciences) explains the process to create an embedded version of her Microsoft Calendar in an Avenue to Learn widget for students to self-select available times in an instructor calendar. https://www.macvideo.ca/media/Adding+a+Microsoft+%27Bookings%27+Widget+in+Avenue+to+Learn+for+Students+to+select+Instructor+Office+Hours/1_zi8zglep
What is the best way to setup Avenue Mail so I don’t have to check two places?
What is the best way to setup Avenue Mail so I don’t have to check two places? Avenue to Learn has it’s own internal mail system, that can send and receive mail to any valid e-mail address. This can be confusing for some users, if it is not clear where […]
August 2020
August 2020 Assignments – Additional functionality in the new assignment creation experience Building on the functionality released last month in the new Assignment creation experience, you can now do the following: Attach release conditions to an assignment Align learning outcomes to an assignment from the Learning Outcomes tool When […]
Avenue to Learn Fundamentals Workshop
Avenue Fundamentals Welcome to the Fundamentals of Avenue to Learn workshop. This is a blended workshop – meaning that before you attend the in-person session, you will have viewed the resources on this page, tried some of these tasks in a course shell and then attended our face-to-face working session […]
Avenue to Learn Support Style Guide
Avenue to Learn Support Documentation Style Guide A few caveats: this documentation was written for our own internal documentation team to write for this Avenue Help site. It presumes that you’re using a web page to document how to do something. The reason we like websites for documentation is that […]
How do I add Flipgrid to my course?
Flipgrid is a video discussion platform where students can respond to topics with videos. In Flipgrid under the Share button is the ability to embed, or capture a link either will work. If you embed, you’ll have to go to Content in Avenue then follow these steps: 1. Click Upload/Create […]
July 2020
July 2020 Assignments – Competencies in the new assignment creation experience This update includes the capability to add and remove learning objectives from the Competencies tool when used with the new create and edit assignment experience. The new experience also displays a warning if a learning objective does not have […]