Learning Object Repository (LOR)

Learning Object Repository (Learning Repository) The Learning Repository is an online library for storing, managing, and sharing your learning resources (learning objects). A learning object can be a quiz, a presentation, an image, a video, or any other kind of document or file you use to create course content and […]

Video Note

Video Note Video Note is a feature that allows you to record up to a 25-minute video. Vendor documentation Create and Insert Video Note: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/1724-create-and-insert-a-video-note-in-brightspace-editor Captioning for video note – https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/1741-video-note-automatic-captioning – note: VTT files for captioning cannot be uploaded at this time, but manual editing captions for video notes within […]

Import/Export/Copy Components

The Import/Export/Copy Components tool is used to either copy your course from one semester’s course shell to the next semester’s or utilized to export your course to a .zip file on your computer. You must be enrolled as having the Instructor role in both courses, if you are copying from […]


Classlist Overview Classlist is where you can see an overview of all the participants enrolled in your course and their respective roles, add/remove those participates or change their roles, communicate with participants, and view blogs/group enrolments for those participants (if applicable). The following vendor documentation provides additional information about Classlist […]

Why are my Modules and Images not showing up in Avenue to Learn?

If you are having issues viewing modules and images in Avenue to Learn: Try using other web-browsers such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc. Clear cookies by following steps on the following link: https://libanswers.mcmaster.ca/faq/204344 If the problem still persists, contact us through the support form and we will be in […]