July 2024

General Announcements Avenue to Learn’s minimum for supported browser versions increases every January and July. The July update increases the minimum supported browser versions to: Chrome 124+, Edge 124+, Safari 17+, and Firefox 124+. The minimum legacy browsers are now: Chrome 81, Edge 81, Safari 14, and Firefox 75. The […]

June 2024

General Announcements The Office 365 Widget is now available to add to your course homepage.  We have also added the Office 365 Widget to the Avenue to Learn system homepage. To add the widget to your course homepage, refer to the Avenue Homepages and Widgets Workshop. The Office 365 widget […]

May 2024

General Announcements The Office 365 Widget is now available to add to your course homepage.  We have also added the Office 365 Widget to the Avenue to Learn system homepage. To add the widget to your course homepage, refer to the Avenue Homepages and Widgets Workshop. The Office 365 widget […]

April 2024

General Announcements The Office 365 Widget is now available to add to your course homepage.  We will add the Office 365 Widget to the Avenue to Learn system homepage in early May 2024. To add the widget to your course homepage, refer to the Avenue Homepages and Widgets Workshop. The […]

March 2024

General Announcements SMS Notifications – SMS (Short Message Service) notifications will no longer be supported or available starting in the July 2024/20.24.7 release. This change is in response to the deprecation of this service by mobile providers. Users can receive mobile push notifications in Brightspace Pulse, and can subscribe to […]

February 2024

General Announcement SMS (Short Message Service) notifications will no longer be supported or available starting in the July 2024/20.24.7 release. This change is in response to the deprecation of this service by mobile providers. Users can receive mobile push notifications in Brightspace Pulse, and can subscribe to email notifications in […]

January 2024

General Announcement SMS (Short Message Service) notifications will no longer be supported or available starting in the July 2024/20.24.7 release. This change is in response to the deprecation of this service by mobile providers. Users can receive mobile push notifications in Brightspace Pulse, and can subscribe to email notifications in […]

November 2023

Announcements – Copy announcements to other courses | New This feature adds the ability to copy announcements to other courses when the new permission Announcements > Copy to Other Courses is enabled for the user role. Users must be enrolled in both the source and destination courses with a role that has the new […]

October 2023

Announcements from D2L With this release, users accessing the Chat tool now see a banner indicating the tool will no longer be available as of January 2024. For more information about this update, refer to Intent to End Of Life Notice for: Chat. Brightspace Pulse app is updated to provide a […]

Where did the ‘grace period’ feature go, in quizzes?

FYI for those wondering where the ‘Grace Period’ feature went in quizzes: As of the September 2023 update, there is no longer a grace period associated with the quiz tool. More on this: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/6098-quiz-timing-improvements-summary The grace period was there more for when students needed to save their questions.  Now that […]